In Memory of






Condolence From: The Ramia's
Condolence: To the family of Muriel~ So many memories made up on the "hill" between Muriel & Alton, Tina & Pete and Mary Jane & Leo, their children and in time their grandchildren and great-grandchildren!While they may be gone, they have left us to cherish those memories of happy times, hours of laughter and friendship and of course food!! Please know that all of our thoughts and prayers are with each and every one of you. We know that Muriel is now with her beloved Alton and all of the old friends are now together again having one heck of a good time! with Peace & Love, The Ramia Family
Monday March 02, 2009
Condolence From: Missy Law
Condolence: Rich and Susie, I am so sorry to hear of your mothers passing. You were such a comfort to me in my time of need fifteen years ago. I send my deepest sympathy and please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Missy Law, New Milford.
Sunday March 01, 2009
Condolence From: Laurie and Mark Swett
Condolence: Aunt Sue, Uncle Rich, and family, We're so very sorry to hear of Murriel's passing. Please know we're thinking of you and if there's anything we can do please be sure to let us know. Words are always inadequate but we'd like to leave you with a few words that someone shared with us when Jason died -- they comforted us a bit. We hope they bring comfort to you, too. "Love does not diminish. Feelings do not fade. Time only brings a sweetness to the memories you've made." ~ Author Unknown With our Love and Prayers, Laurie and Mark
Sunday March 01, 2009